National Institute of Mental Health National Association of Mental Illness Psych Central ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER ANXIETY Social Phobia Association Anxiety Disorder Association of America AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS Autism Society Autism Speaks Child Behavior Guide Kids Can Dream-Social Stories The Gray Center-Social Stories One Place for Special Needs BIPOLAR DISORDER CHILDREN Association for Play Therapy COLLABORATIVE DIVORCE Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals International Association of Collaborative Professionals Next Generation Divorce COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY The American Institute of Cognitive Therapy Academy of Cognitive Therapy Association of Behavior & Cognitive Therapies National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists DEPRESSION Anxiety and Depression Association of America Mood Tracker DIVORCE Talking Parents FORENSIC SITES Association of Family & Conciliation Courts Hillsborough County Bar Association International Association of Collaborative Professionals 13th Judicial Circuit Court GUARDIAN AD LITEM Visitation Management Services PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Psychological Association American Psychiatric Association Association of Family & Conciliation Courts Florida Psychological Association Hillsborough County Bar Association International Association of Collaborative Professionals National Association of School Psychologists |
(DR. VICK'S PICKS) COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY The Worry Trick (David A. Carbonell) The Worry Trap (Chad Lejeune) The Everything Guide to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Bowers, Ellen) Anxiety Disorders and Phobias (Beck, Aaron) When Panic Attacks (Burns, David) Help Yourself to Happiness (Maultsby, Maxie) Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Impulsive Children (Kendall, Philip & Braswell, Lauren) Talking Back to OCD (March, John) The Client's Guide to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (Pucci, Aldo) Cognitive Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Wilhelm, Sabine & Steketee, Gail) The Monster in the Cave: How to Face Your Fear and Anxiety and Live Your Life (Mellinger, David & Lynn, Steven) BOOKS ON DIVORCE: The Good Divorce (Ahrons, Constance) Joint Custody with a Jerk (Ross, Julie & Corcoran, Judy) Winning the Heart of Your Stepchild (Barnes, Bob) Step Families (Bray, James) Stepmotherhood (Burns, Cherie) The Blended Family Sourcebook (Chedekel, David & O'Connell, Karen) Smart Step Family (Deal, Ron) Wonderful Ways to be a Stepparent (Ford, Judy & Chase, Anna) Making the Best of Second Best (Fox, Kathleen) Building your Step-family (Gamache, Susan) The Stepparent's Survival Guide (J. Zieghan, Susan) 17 Steps to Bonding with your Stepchild (J. Zieghan, Susan) Remarried with Children (LeBey, Barbara) Yours, Mine, and Hours (Penton, John & Welsh, Shona) Step-living for Teens (Block, Joel, Bartell, Susan, & Frantz, Jennifer) The Step-Tween Survival Guide (Cohn, Lisa & Glasser, Debbie) HELP! A Girls Guide to Divorce and Stepfamilies (Holyoke, Nancy) If I Have a Wicked Stepmother (Kantor, Melissa) I Have a New Family Now (Monroe, Robin Prince & Barnet, Nancy) All Families are Special (Simon, Norma & Flavin Teresa) Dinosaurs Divorce (Brown, Laurie Krasny & Brown, Marc) What Children Need to Know When Parents Get Divorced (Coleman, William) Mom's House, Dad's House (Ricci, Isolina) Remarried with Children (LeBey, Barbara) 7 Steps to Bonding with your Stepchild (J. Zieghan, Susan) Building your Stepfamily (Gamache, Susan) Joint Custody with a Jerk (Ross, Julie & Corcoran, Judy) Making the Best of Second Best (Fox, Kathleen) Smart Step Family (Deal, Ron) Getting Through My Parent's Divorce (Amy JL Baker, PhD) Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Breaking The Ties That Bind- (Amy JL Baker, PhD) Advice For Targeted Parents (Amy JL Baker, PhD) Bounded To The Abuser (Amy JL Baker, PhD) Bringing Peace into the Room Calm in the Face of the Storm Caught in the middle: Protecting the Children of High Conflict Divorce (Garrity, C.B., & Baris, M.A.) Co-Parenting With A Toxic EX (Amy JL Baker, PhD) Divorce Busting (Michelle Weiner-Davis) Family Mediation a Facts and Myth (Connie Beck) Happily Ever After (Carolyn Flowers) In the Name of the Child (Johnston, J.R., & Roseby, V). Impasse of Divorce (Janet Johnston) Making Divorce Work Never Thought We Would Speak Again Renegotiating Relationships (Robert Emory) Surviving Parent Alienation (Amy JL Baker, PhD) Taking the war out of our words The 7 principles of making a marriage work (John Gorman and Nan Silve) The High Conflict Custody Battle (J Michael Boone, PhD) The Misery Checklist (Amy JL Baker, PhD) The Search for Excellence Thriving on Caos We're Still Family Working With Alienated Children And Families (Amy J L Baker, PhD) BOOKS ON PARENTING COORDINATION The role of the parenting coordinator: PC from A-Z (Appell, J.) What is a parent coordinator? Specialized therapists and mandated high conflict families. Family Therapy News, June/July 2000, AAMFT (Boyan, Susan) The marriage and family therapist as parent coordinator, AAMFT Family Therapy News Magazine, May/June 2006.- (Boyan, S., & Termini, A) Co-Parenting with integrity. The Peaceful Co-Parent. Newsletter for Divorce Parents and Professionals who help them (Boyan, S) A niche that puts children first, APA Monitor. (Bailey, Deborah Smith) Parenting coordination: Expanding alternative dispute resolution in family law. The New Hampshire View- Cameron, J. & Hasting, H. Parenting coordination for high conflict families. Family Court Review, Vol 42, Issue 2: 246-262 (2005). - Coates, C., Deutsch, R., Starnes, Sullivan, M & B. Sydlik High conflict divorce solutions: parenting coordination as an innovative Co-Parenting intervention. U. of Florida Safe Family Journal, Vol 15, No 4. (2007) - Mitcham-Smith, M & Henry, W. Parenting Coordinators: A referee for mom and dad. Wallstreet Journal, September 19, 2007 see New Hampshire Bar Association (Silverman, Rachel Emma) Who, or what is a parenting coordinator? Mass. Divorce Law Monitor. (June 2, 2009) - Van Tine, N. Research on the success of Cooperative Parenting and Divorce Psychoeducational Groups for Co-Parents, Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, Volume 48, number 3/4/08 (Whitehurst, Dorothy) BOOKS ON MEDITATION & MINDFULNESS 10% Happier – Dan Harris A Fearless Heart: How the Courage To Be Compassionate Can Transform Our Lives-Thupten Jinpa A Force For Good: The Dalai Lama’s Vision of Our World- Daniel Goleman A heart as Wide as the World A heart Full of Peace Abiding in Mindfulness, Volume 1: The Body (audio) Abiding in Mindfulness, Volume 2: On Feeling, the Mind & Dhamma (audio) Abiding in Mindfulness, Volume 3: On Dhamma (audio) Altered Traits – Daniel Goleman and Richard Davidson Books authored by Joseph Goldstein Books authored by Sharon Salzberg Destructive Emotions: How Can We Overcome Them? A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama Emotional Agility- Susan David (recommended from Emotional Intelligence- Daniel Goleman Essential Mind Training (Tibetan Classics)- Thupten Jinpa Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence- Daniel Goleman Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart- Mark Epstein, MD Healing Emotions: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Mindfulness, Emotions and Health Insight Meditation Correspondence Course (audio, with Sharon Salzberg) Insight Meditation: An In-Depth Course of How to Meditate (self-guided course) – Sharon Salzberg & Joseph Goldstein Insight Meditation: The Practice of Freedom Jack Cornfield- Books Jack Cornfield- Meditation For Beginners Joy on Demand – Love Your Enemies (with Robert Thurman) Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness Make Peace With Your Mind- Mark Coleman Manual of Insight – Mahasi Sayadaw & Steve Armstrong Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics: A 10% Happier How-to-Book- Dan Harris Mindful Games Activity Cards: 55 Fun Ways to Share Mindfulness with Kids and Teens – Kaiser Greenland, Susan Annaka Harris Mindful Work – David Gelles Mindfulness a Practical Guide- Tessa Watt Mindfulness in Plain English - Bhante Gunaratana Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening-Joseph Goldstein Mindfulness: An 8 Week Plan -Mark Williams Mindless Eating- psychology of way we do things On Having No Head – Douglas Eddison Harding One Dhama: The Emerging Western Buddhism Radical Acceptance. Tara Brach Real Happiness at Work Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation Seeking the Heart of Wisdom (with Jack Kornfield) Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and Their Parents) – Eline Snel, Myla Kabat-Zinn Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids and Their Parents- Jon Kabat-Zinn Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships – Daniel Goleman The Brain and Emotional Intelligence: New Insights- Daniel Goleman The Compassionate Samari The Experience of Insight The Force of Kindness The Kindness Handbook: A Practical Companion The Meditative Mind- Daniel Goleman The Mindful Athlete – George Mumford The Power of Now The Trauma of Everyday Life- Mark Epstein, MD Transcendence Unlimiting Mind: The Radically Experiential Psychology of Buddhism- Andrew Olendzki Unplug: An Interactive Kit Untangling Self: A Buddhist Investigation of Who We Really Are-Andrew Olendski Vital Lies: Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self-Deception- Daniel Goleman Voices of Insight (ed.) Where Ever You Go There You Are- Jon Kabat-Zinn Why Buddhism is True-Robert Wright BOOKS ON PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 101 Secrets of Highly Effective Speakers- Caryl Krannich Atlas Shrug-Ayn Rand Awaken The Giant Within- Anthony Robbins Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst- Robert Sapolsky Better Than Before Bold Book of Law?- Nepolian Hill Book of Ted Talks Choose Yourself - James Altucher Communication Skills- Ian Tuhovsky Content Inc. - Joe Pulizzi Deadlift dynamite Discover the power within you -Alex Butterworth Doing Good Better: How Effective Altruism Can Help You Make A Difference – William MacAskill Drop Dead Healthy Eagles view - Erin Walker Eat That Frog – Brian Tracy Eat That Frog- Brian Tracy Ego Is The Enemy- Ryan Holiday Essentialism- Greg McKeown Fountain Head-Ayn Rand Get the Life You Want-Richard Blander Getting Everything you can out of all you got by Jay Abraham Getting Things Done Grit - Carol Dweck Guide to Trance Formation- Richard Blander Health Books By – Kelly Starrett and Dr Justin Major How To Take Charge of Your Life- Richard Blander Introducing NLP- Joseph O'Connor & John Seymour Jeff Olson - the compound effect Little or Big Giants? Living Forward Michael Hyatt Living with a Seal Man’s Search For Meaning -Victor Frankel Master Mind: How To Think Like Sherlock Holmes – Maria Konnikova Mindset - Carol Dweck One Man's Humble Quest for Bodily Perfection One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible One Man's Humble Quest to Improve Himself One Man's Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World Peak - Anders Erickson Perfecting Your Pitch- Ronald Shapiro Power, Standout, Reinventing Yourself Presence – Amy Cuddy Quiey- Susan Cain (book about introverts) Seeking Wisdom - by Peter Bevelin Self Renewing Shut Up Stop Whining And Get On With It Succeed - Heidi Grant The Art of Learning - Joshua Waitzkin The Artist's Way The Checklist Manifesto- Atul Gawande The Confidence Code The Desire Map The Four Hour Body-Tim Ferriss The gift of fear Gavin DeBecker The Hard Thing about Hard Things The Hard Things About Hard Things The Key- Cheri Huber The Little Book of Talent - by Daniel Coyle The Magic of Thinking Big The Obstacles the Way - Ryan Holiday The Power of Now-Echart Tolle The Road to Character- David Brooks The Slight Edge - Darren Hardy/Jeff Wilson The Sports Gene- D Epstein The Universe has your back The Year of Living Biblically- AJ Jacobs Three Days to See-Helen Keller Thrive Tinker Dabble Doodle Try: Unlock the Power of Unfocused Mind-Srini Pillay Today Matters Tools of Titans - Tim Ferriss Tribe of Mentors – Tim Ferriss Zero to Passion BOOKS ON PHILOSOPHY 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos- Jordan Peterson 5 Elements of Effective Thinking- Edward Burger & Michael Starbird A Guide to The Good Life a Book About Stoicism As A Man Thinketh-James Allen Charles Darwin; The Origin of Species Looking for Spinoza – Antonio Damasio Maps of Meaning- Jordan Peterson Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief- Jordan Peterson Natural Ethical Facts – William Casebeer O'Clock With the Long Now - Stuart Brand Primates and Philosophers- Frans De Waal Rationality: From A to Zombies- Eliezer Yudowsky Reasons and Persons-Derek Parfit The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search for the Soul – Francis Crick The Nature Explanation – Kenneth Craik The Nature of Consciousness – Neil Black, Owen Flannagan, & Guven Guzeldere The Nonsense of Free Will-Richard Oerton The Prophet- Kahlil Gibran Thinking and Deciding – Jonathan Baron When Cultures Collide- Richard Lewis Who Dies: An Investigation of Conscious Living and Conscious Dying- Stephen Levine Why Evolution is True – Jerry Coyne BOOKS ON POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 10% Happier-Dan Harris A Short Guide To A Happy Life- Anna Quindlen Authentic Happiness- Martin Seligman Happiness- Daniel Nettle Happiness- Ed Diener Happy Money Joy on Demand Learned Optimism- Martin Seligman Lifespan Development: Infancy Through Adulthood- Laurence Steinberg Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It- Kamal Ravikant Positive Psychology: Exploring the Best in People- Shane Lopez Stumbling on Happiness- Daniel Gilbert The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology- Shane Lopez The Happiness Advantage- Shawn Achor The Happiness Equation The Happiness Hypothesis- By Jonathan Haidt The How of Happiness – Sonja Lyubomirsky The Periodic Table - Primo Levi Well-Being for Public Policy- Ed Diener BOOKS ON SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 1000 true fans- (free on line) Better Angels of Our Culture- Steven Pinker Blink- Malcolm Gladwell Break Through Advertising Cows, Pigs, Wars, & Witches- Marvin Harris David & Goliath- Malcolm Gladwell Economics in one lesson buy it at Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds – Charles Mackay Fooled by randomness and the black swan both by Nadeem Getting To Yes- Rodger Fisher & William Ury Go for No How To Be Invisible – JJ Luna How We Decide- Jonah Lehrer Influence Anyone- Max Major Influence: Science and Practice- Robert Cialdini Instant Influence- Michael Pantalon,PhD Invisible Influence-Jonah Berger Jab, Jab, Jab Right Hook- Gary Vaynerchuk Little Bets – Peter Simis Little Black Book of Persuasion Marketing for Rainmakers Never Eat Alone-Networking the Right Way Never Split the Difference- Chris Voss Nudge, Influenced, Redirect by Tim Wilson, Outliers- Malcolm Gladwell Persuasion Skills Black Book- Rintu Predictably Irrational – Dan Ariely PreSuasion - Robert Cialdini Purple Cow- Seth Godin Quiet- Susan Cain Start With Why- Simon Sinek Strangers To Ourselves- Timothy Wilson Suggestible You Sway - Ori Brafman The Dip- Seth Godin The little red book of persuasion The Paradox of Choice- Barry Schwartz The Power of Persuasion- Levine The Power of Starting Something Stupid-Richie Norton The Sell Out The Social Animal- David Brooks The Upside of Rationality The Willpower Instinct- Kelly McGonigal The Wisdom of No Escape- Pema Chodron Tipping Point-Malcolm Gladwell To Soon Old, Too Late Smart: Thirty True Things You Need to Know Now- Gordon Livingston Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and What it Says About Us- Tom Vanderbilt Tribe Tribes- Seth Godin What the Dog Saw-Malcolm Gladwell When Things Fall Apart - Pema Chodron Why We Snap Getting to Yes ( Fisher, Roger & Ury, William) Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder ( Fast, Julie & Preston, John) The Explosive Child (Greene, Ross) |
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